Works建築主:JR西日本不動産開発所在地:京都府京都市主要用途:ホテル・物販店舗設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:有田博・永井務・片瀬利行・齊藤康男・構造:澤井祥晃・前川元伸・土井尚・犬山隆博・設備:金坂敏通・正木保弘・ISD:黒■亮・黒籔雄貴・馮植・作業所長:井上信一日本三大祭りの一つ・祇園祭が行われる大通りに面するホテル・物販店舗・自走式駐車場の複合施設である。奥深い敷地の特性を生かし、来訪者を奥の間へいざない、おもてなしする京町家のような空間とした。ゲストを迎える「ガラスの屏風」をイメージした外観とし、まちの風景を映し、時の移り変わりにより多様な表情をつくることで、宵山「屏風祭」や目の前に建つ「四条傘鉾」と協奏する風景をつくることを意図した。(齊藤 康男)This is a multi-purpose facility composed of a hotel, retail shops, and a drive-in parking lot, facing a main street where one of the three major festivals in Japan, Gion Festival, is held. Utilizing the characteristics of the deep site, the space was designed like a welcoming Kyoto tradesman’s house, inducing the guests to the inside. The façade has the image of a glass folding screen which reflects the town landscape, welcoming the guests. A variety of expressions is produced depending on the time of day, with the intention of creating a concerted landscape of Yoiyama "Byoubu Festival" or the "Shijokasa Hoko" float before one's eyes. (Yasuo Saitou)14SECTION S=1:6003432215敷地面積:2,489.24㎡建築面積:2,186.54㎡延床面積:12,574.43㎡構造:S造階数:地上8階工期:2020.1〜2021.83333663333PF PLAN S=1:1600心地よい奥行でおもてなしするガラスの屏風Pleasant Welcoming Glass Folding Screen with Depth1.ロビー Lobby2.庭園 Garden3.客室 Guest Room4.廊下 Corridor5.店舗 Supermarket6.EVホール EV HallOwner: JR West Real Estate & Development Company Location: Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Main Use: Hotel, SupermarketDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Hiroshi Arita, Tsukasa Nagai, Toshiyuki Katase and Yasuo Saitou·Structural: Yoshiaki Sawai, Motonobu Maekawa, Takashi Doi and Takahiro Inuyama·M&E: Toshimichi Kanesaka, Yasuhiro Masaki·ISD: Ryou Kuroyanagi, Yuki Kuroyabu and Feng Zhi·Site manager: Shinichi Inoue「ガラスの屏風」が四条傘鉾と協奏する風景13Site area: 2,489.24m2Building area: 2,186.54m2Total floor area: 12,574.43m2Construction: SteelNumber of stories: 8 floors above groundConstruction term: January 2020 to August 2021NNJR西日本不動産開発ヤサカビルJR WEST REAL & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY YASAKA Building
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