
Works21ホテルの最上階は将来にわたり水回りの配置含めたプラン開発を行うことを目的として全ての客室を二重床とする実験的客室フロアを計画した。なかでも北側の4室は部屋を東に傾けることで朝日を取り込み、その光を最大化する反射板として天井を設えることで朝の光をコンセプトにした特別客室とした。(西田 順風)オフィスは1〜5階を断面的に織りたたむように連続させたワンルームの構成とした。旋回しながら様々なワークシーンが連続し、働く場所と街とのつながりや社員同士の関わりを最大化し、多様なきっかけを生む接点の繋がりを空間化している。(大橋 怜)The offices have a one-room composition continuously folded and stacked in cross-section on the 1st to 5th stories. While turning, the one-room offices are continuous, maximizing the connection between the city and the workplace and the relationship between employees, forming in space the connection to the point of contact where various ideas are created. (Satoshi Ohashi)13F PLAN S=1:7001112222朝日を取り込む反射板天井を設えた客室Guest rooms equipped with reflective panel ceiling to bring in the morning sunlight立体的に織りたたまれたワンルームオフィスOne-room offices folded and stacked in 3-dimensionsThe uppermost story of the hotel was planned as as an experimental guest room floor with double floors on all guest rooms with the aim of developing plans including plumbing arrangements for the future. On the north side of the story are four special guest rooms with the concept of morning sunlight. Morning sunlight is brought into the room by inclining it towards the east, and a reflective panel is provided on the ceilings to maximize the light. (Masakaze Nishida)13階特別室 朝日を取り込む反射板として天井を設えた客室201.特別客室 Special Guest Room2.客室 Guest Room 6階朝食会場 まちの表情を写し込む木漏れ日天井21N

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