
456212210建築主:東宝所在地:東京都千代田区主要用途:事務所・物販・飲食店舗設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:関谷和則・原弘・吉本晃一朗・構造:山下真吾・中村亮太・設備:村下和紀・鈴木正康・小林樹佳    河野俊大・インテリア:丸林哲・宮戸明香・作業所長:長澤紀和劇場街日比谷の入口に立地する賃貸オフィス商業複合ビルである。コロナ禍以降の多様な働き方・暮らしを柔軟に受け入れる都市基盤となるオフィスビルを実現するために、都市の結節点となる日比谷の地の利を活かした “新しい働き方”を生み出す試みを展開した。劇場街から屋外テラスに至る“一連の道行き”において、 ひと・まち・自然がシームレスに繋がる体験 を積層させ、働くひとが自ら非日常/日常 ON/OFFを往来できる“まち全体が暮らしの場となる複合都市建築”の創出を目指した。(原 弘 + 吉本 晃一朗)Works33敷地面積:1,491.83㎡建築面積:1,313.65㎡延床面積:16,692.77㎡構造:RC造・S造階数:地下2階 地上11階 工期:2021.4〜2023.2SITE PLAN S=1:1000Owner: TOHO CO.,LTDLocation: Chiyoda-ku, TokyoMain Use: Office, Commerce, RestaurantDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Kazunori Sekiya, Hiroshi Hara and Koichiro Yoshimoto·Structural: Shingo Yamashita, Ryota Nakamura·M&E: Kazunori Murashita, Masayasu Suzuki, Mikiyoshi Kobayashi and Takahiro Kouno·Interior: Akira Marubayashi, Sayaka Miyato·Site manager: Norikazu Nagasawa働くひとが自ら 非日常/日常 ON/OFF を往来できる都市基盤としての ”複合都市建築”"Multi-purpose Urban Architecture" as Urban Infrastructure where Working People can Come and Go and Turn their own Nonroutine / Routine ON or OFFThis is a multi-purpose rental office and commercial building located at the entrance to the Hibiya theater district. To realize an office building as part of the urban infrastructure to flexibly accommodate the diversification in forms of working and living in the post-pandemic era, we tried to produce a new way of working utilizing the advantages of the location of Hibiya as a transport node in the city. On the road from the theater district to the outdoor terrace, experiences are superimposed seamlessly linking people, the city, and nature, with the aim of creating a multi-purpose urban architecture where the district as a whole is a place to live and working people can come and go and their ownnonroutine / routine ON or OFF. (Hiroshi Hara, Koichiro Yoshimoto)turn NNSite area: 1,491.83m2Building area: 1,313.65m2Total floor area: 16,692.77m2Construction: Reinforced Concrete, SteelNumber of stories: 11 floors above ground, 2 basement floorsConstruction term: April 2021 to February 2023東宝日比谷プロムナードビルTOHO HIBIYA PROMENADE

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