G棟正門正門D棟B棟A棟C棟H棟H棟BⅡ棟BⅡ棟FⅡ棟FⅡ棟F棟E棟EⅡ棟EⅡ棟NN配置図 S=1:200002F PLAN S=1:1200Owner: The Ritsumeikan TrustLocation: Beppu-shi, OitaMain Use: UniversityDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Design Supervision: Ritsumeikan Trust Campus Planning Office·Architects: Tsukasa Nagai, Naoki Nomura, Satoshi Chida and Rika Kanai·Structural: Junko Suga, Takashi Kihara, Motoki Uchiyama and Yasuhito Kinoshita·M&E: Hiroyasu Satou, Daisuke Hara建築主:学校法人立命館所在地:大分県別府市主要用途:大学設計施工:竹中工務店・設計監修:立命館キャンパス計画室・設計:永井務・野村直毅・地田聡 金井里佳・構造:須賀順子・木原隆志・内山元希 木原康仁・設備:佐藤弘康・原大輔「サステナビリティ観光学部」が開設されたのを機に計画された教室棟。法改正により可能となった準耐火木造3階建て校舎を地元の大分県産杉材で実現し、当社の取り組む森林グランドサイクルを実践した。木材がそのまま現しとなる燃えしろ設計による日本初の大規模純木造3層吹抜けの中央に設えた大階段は、多様な協力し合いながら成長する森のようなやさしさを感じさせてくれる。(永井 務)10学生教職員の半数が世界106ヶ国から集まる多国籍・多文化共生キャンパスに新学部文化を背景にもつ学生・教員・地域住民が集い、Works2345311 Construction of the new classroom building at the multinational and multicultural campus, where fully half of the students and faculty are from 106 countries around the world, was timed to coincide with the opening of the new College of Sustainability and Tourism. Due to a change in the law, it was possible to use locally produced cedar from Oita Prefecture for the construction of the semi-fireproof three-story wooden classroom building, achieving Takenaka’s “Forest Grand Cycle” (a resource and economic cycle linking the forest industry, regional revitalization, community building and construction) . The exposed wood grain surfaces were provided with a burning margin to ensure preservation of the wood. Using this design technique, we constructed Japan’s first large stairway of pure wooden construction with a three-story atrium in the center. Within this nurturing environment, students, faculty and local residents with diverse cultural backgrounds can gather and help one another to grow together like the trees in a forest. (Tsukasa Nagai)·Site manager: Masatoshi IkedaSite area: 345,137.26m2Building area: 2,802.82m2Total floor area: 6,495.95m2Construction: Wooden, SteelNumber of stories: 3 floors above groundConstruction term: February 2022 to February 2023立命館アジア太平洋大学 Green CommonsRitsumeikan Asia Pacific University Green Commons人・地域を育み続ける学びの森Learning forest for ongoing development on the part of individuals and the community 1. 中教室 Middle Classroom 2. 地域連携ギャラリー Local Cooperation Gallery 3.アクティブラーニング教室 Active Learning Classroom 4.対話型教室 Interactive Classroom 5.インクルーシブレストルーム Inclusive Restroom 6.グリーンコモンズステージ Green Commons Stage 7.カフェ Cafe 8.学部コモンズ Faculty Commons・作業所長:池田正利敷地面積:345,137.26㎡建築面積:2,802.82㎡延床面積:6,495.95㎡構造:木造・S造階数:地上3階工期:2022.2〜2023.2Green CommonsGreen Commons
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