
14建築主:学校法人京都外国語大学所在地:京都府京都市主要用途:高等学校設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:奥村雄樹・寺村雄機・構造:山本俊司・芹澤好徳・佐藤綾香・設備:君塚尚也・越村翔・作業所長:久富甲太郎高等学校校舎の建替計画。「言語を通して世界の平和を」を建学の精神とする京都外国語大学の併設校として、言葉や対話の大切さを見つめ直し、生徒や教職員が気持ちよく言葉を交わすことのできる「ポストコロナの都市型校舎」を目指した。日影規制と高度地区による高さ制限のある敷地において、機能を高密度に集積した中廊下型校舎であるが、L字型平面の校舎と体育館を一体化した構成を生かし、広場・回廊・日常動線が立体的に絡まり合う「風通しの良い居場所」を計画した。(寺村 雄機)WorksOwner: Kyoto University of Foreign StudiesLocation: Kyoto-shi, KyotoMain Use: High SchoolDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Yuki Okumura, Yuki Teramura·Structural: Shunji Yamamoto, Yoshinori Serizawa and Ayaka Sato·M&E: Naoya Kimizuka, Sho Koshimura·Site manager: Kotaro Hisatomi言葉を交わす、きっかけとなる校舎A school building that creates opportunities for conversationsThis building renovation project was conducted for a high school affiliated with Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, whose school philosophy is “World Peace Through Languages.” The goal was to recognize anew the importance of languages and interaction to achieve an urban-style school building for a post-COVID world and facilitate conversations between students and faculty. At the site, which was subject to both shade and height restrictions, an L-shaped school building with a central corridor design and highly integrated functions was integrated with the gymnasium. The result is an open environment that integrates the outdoor recreation space, the corridor and the daily movement routes in three dimensions. (Yuki Teramura)Site area: 18,597.51m2Building area: 2,495.94m2Total floor area: 7,507.35m2Construction: Reinforced Concrete, Steel, WoodenNumber of stories: 4 floors above groundConstruction term: June 2022 to September 2023サッシ上部スリットにより呼吸する、RC造の外殻フレーム09敷地面積:18,597.51㎡建築面積:2,495.94㎡延床面積:7,507.35㎡構造:RC造・S造・木造階数:地上4階工期:2022.6〜2023.9京都外大西高等学校「本館」Kyoto Gaidai Nishi High School Main Building 1. 教室 Classroom 2. 多目的教室 Multipurpose Classroom 3.職員室 Staff Room 4.吹抜階段 Stairwell 5.体育館 Gymnasium 6.歩廊 Corridor 7.下足室 Footwear Room

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