
N3145123 SECTION S=1:1500Owner: Nishi-Nippon Railroad Co. LtdLocation: Fukuoka-shi, FukuokaMain Use: ResidenceDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Fumihiro Hirata, Yuto Isehara·Structural: Hiroaki Sawai, Shuya Futatsugi and Kazuto Takayama·M&E: Yuji Inoue, Kazunori Kawamoto and Daisuke Watanabe·Site manager: Kenji HondaPLAN S=1:600建築主:西日本鉄道所在地:福岡県福岡市主要用途:共同住宅設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:平田文広・伊勢原宥人・構造:澤井祥晃・二木秀也・髙山一斗・設備:井上雄二・河本一憲・渡邊大祐・作業所長:本多健二敷地面積:9,441.00㎡建築面積:4,512.00㎡延床面積:38,728.15㎡構造:RC造・S造階数:地上44階工期:2019.9〜2022.3福岡市の人工島アイランドシティに建つ住戸周辺環境から切り離された住まいではなく、人とのつながり、まちとのつながり、大地とのつながりをもった暮らしを、超高層タワーレジデンスとつながる」をコンセプトとし、住民の第2の大地となるスカイガーデン、まちに開放されたランドスケープ、多彩なパブリックスペース等により、地域住民を含めた人、住宅地開発が進むまち、超高層でありながらも大地・緑とつながることを目指した。(伊勢原 宥人)This 44-story tower residence containing 288 units was constructed at Island City, an artificial island in the city of Fukuoka. Rather than creating residences that are separate from the surrounding environment, the goal was to make it possible to live in a tower residence and still feel a connection to other people, to the community and to the land. Based on this concept — connection to people, community andground — the complex incorporates a “sky garden” that serves as a second ground area for residents, as well as diverse public spaces and a landscape that is open to the surrounding community. The result is a tower residence that is connected to both ground and greenery, as well as to other people including local residents and to the community where residential development is ongoing. (Yuto Isehara)28数288戸、44階建てのタワーレジデンスである。□で実現することを目指した。「人・まち・大地Works人と・まちと・大地とつながる超高層タワーレジデンスUltra-high-rise tower residence linking people with the land and the community 1.住戸 Residence2. ELVホール ELV Hall3.スカイガーデン Sky Garden4.ステップガーデン Step Garden5.グランドガーデン Grand GardenSite area: 9,441.00m2Building area: 4,512.00m2Total floor area: 38,728.15m2Construction: Reinforced Concrete, SteelNumber of stories: 44 floors above groundConstruction term: September 2019 to March 2022タイムレスなインテリアで来訪者を迎え入れるレセプションラウンジ31照葉ザ・タワーTERIHA THE TOWER

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