Since its foundation in 1610, Takenaka Corporation has specialized in architecture, contributing to society with many architectural works now considered landmarks.
Architecture is not just creating buildings that provide shelter and protection: they are cultural assets for a community, handed down to posterity from one era to another. We are proud of what we do. And we want each of our creations to be a master work.
1610 | Tobei-Masataka Takenaka establishes a business in Nagoya to engage in shrine and temple construction. |
1874 | Nagoya Garrison barracks featuring Western-style architecture completed. |
1899 | 14th-generation head of family Touemon Takenaka made his way to Kobe, which marked the first year of the company’s foundation. |
1900 | Mitsui Bank Warehouse completed in Onohama district of Kobe. |
1909 | Unlimited Partnership Takenaka Komuten established with headquarters in Kobe and a branch in Nagoya. |
1911 | The Tokyo and the Osaka local offices open. |
1912 | Takashimaya Kyoto Store completed as Japan’s first retail store building. |
1918 | Company emblem established. |
1923 | Main office moved to Osaka, with Kobe a branch office. |
1934 | Meiji Seimeikan (Tokyo) completed. |
1937 | Takenaka Corporation established. |
1938 |
The Takenaka Corporation merges with the Unlimited Partnership Takenaka Komuten. The innovative underground Takenaka Caisson Method developed and applied in Matsuzakaya Ueno and other department stores in Ginza. |
1941 | Participated in establishment of currently Takenaka Civil Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. |
1945 | Touemon Takenaka appointed as Chairman of the Board and Renichi Takenaka appointed as President. |
1948 | Administrative regulations established. |
1953 | Research laboratories in Tokyo and Osaka established. |
1958 | Tokyo Tower and Antarctic Exploration Research Facilities completed. |
1959 | Takenaka Building Research Institute opens in Tokyo. |
1960 | Takenaka & Associates Inc. established in San Francisco, starting full overseas business operations. |
1961 | Takenaka Ikueikai scholarship foundation established. |
1964 | Quarterly magazine [approach] launched. |
1966 | National Theatre (Tokyo) completed. |
1969 |
The 70th anniversary. Takenaka Research and Development Institute completed in Tokyo. Currently Asahi Facilities, Inc. established, expanding our building management and insurance businesses. |
1970 | Japan World Exposition Osaka 1970 (EXPO’70) opens with Takenaka participating in 23 pavilions. |
1972 | Takenaka Training Institute opened. |
1973 | Takenaka Europe GmbH established, expanding business into Europe. |
1974 | Thai Takenaka International Ltd., PT. Takenaka Indonesia, and Takenaka Corporation Singapore Office established, expanding business into Southeast Asia. |
1976 | TQC (Total Quality Control) introduced. |
1979 | Takenaka awarded Deming Application Prize, a first for the non-manufacturing sector. |
1980 | Takenaka Renichi appointed as Chairman of the Board and Takenaka Toichi appointed as President. |
1981 | Changi International Airport Terminal 1 (Singapore) completed. |
1983 | Ote Center Building (Tokyo) completed and opened. |
1984 | Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum opened. |
1987 |
Yurakucho Marion (Tokyo) completed. Hotel Nikko San Francisco completed and opened. 100th issue of Quarterly magazine [approach]. |
1988 |
Chairman of the Board Renichi Takenaka awarded the Deming Prize. Tokyo Dome, Japan’s first all-purpose stadium with an air-supported membrane structure, completed. |
1990 |
Crystal Tower (Osaka) completed and opened. Takenaka (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. established. TAK Systems Corporation established; CAD promoted. |
1991 | Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and Spa (Hawaii) completed and opened. |
1992 |
Takenaka awarded the Deming Grand Prize. “Environmental Charter” established. |
1993 |
FUKUOKA YAHUOKU! DOME, Japan's first multipurpose stadium with a retractable roof, completed. The new Takenaka Research and Development Institute moves to Chiba New Town. |
1995 | Takenaka starts a corporate website on the internet. |
1997 |
Nagoya Dome completed. First issue of the “Takenaka e Report (Environmental Protection Activity Report)”. |
1999 |
100th anniversary. Environmental accounting introduced. |
2001 |
Sapporo Dome completed. First participation in PFI. |
2003 | Takenaka (China) Construction Co., Ltd. established. |
2004 | The Tokyo Main Office moves to new building in Koto-ward in Tokyo. |
2005 |
Tokyo Main Office Building obtains certification and highest evaluation rank under CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency). GALLERY A4 opened in Tokyo Main Office Building. |
2006 | World’s tallest superhigh-rise baseisolation condominium City Tower Nishi-Umeda (Osaka) completed. |
2007 |
Tokyo Midtown completed. Takenaka “es” report issued, including social activities within Takenaka” e” report. |
2009 |
Total Quality Management Policy and Companywide Policies established. Mitsubishi Ichigokan and Marunouchi Park Building (Tokyo) completed. |
2010 |
400th anniversary of company. Executive officer system introduced. Takenaka India Private Ltd. established. |
2011 |
Practical Technology Training Center “Omoi” opened. 50th Anniversary of Takenaka Ikueikai scholarship foundation. |
2012 |
Procurement Policy established. Revision of code of ethics as a code of conduct. New Takenaka “excellent foreman system” established. GALLERY A4 becomes foundation. |
2013 |
Toichi Takenaka appointed as Chairman of the Board and Masahiro Miyashita appointed as President. Grand Front Osaka completed. Osaka Timber Association Building completed, first fireproof wooden office building in Japan. Myanmar Branch opened. |
2014 |
Takenaka Group CSR Vision, Takenaka Group Message and Group Growth Strategy for 2025 established Message. Company emblem and logo design innovated. Corporate colors created. First publication of Takenaka Corporate Report, integrating company brochure and sustainability report. ABENO HARUKAS (Osaka) completed, the tallest building in Japan. CapitaGreen (Singapore) completed. Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum moved to Kobe. |
2015 |
Takenaka Quality Management established. New employee training system receives KAIKA Award. Bioclean and biosafety testing facilities established at Takenaka Research & Development Institute. |
2016 |
Special cooperation with Setagaya Art Museum to hold “400 Years of Architectural Challenges—Takenaka: Master Builder in Japan” exhibition. Takenaka starts up decarbonized model town project. Takenaka selected to join the new Diversity Management Selection 100, fiscal year 2015. |
2017 |
Urban Creation Strategy Department established. Acquisition of early Showa era “Chochikukyo” wooden building, designated as an important cultural property that year with the aim of preservation and local community. Establishment of Takenaka Vietnam Co., Ltd. New Takenaka “excellent engineer” system established. Takenaka Corporation Higashi Kanto Branch Office renovated achieving “plus energy” as a Net Zero Energy Building (ZEB). Global Gate (Nagoya), Changi Airport Terminal 4 (Singapore) and Pacific Century Place Jakarta (Indonesia) completed. |
2018 |
Human rights policy established. Restoration of historic former Mankichi Yamaguchi residence as a business innovation hub. Selected as developer for the Second Development Zone in the Umekita Area. First applications of 2-hour-fireproof Moen-Wood in mid-to-high rise wooden buildings. First application of the ultra-high-strength concrete (300N/mm2). Start of “Seiwadai Forestation Project” biodiversity promotion program. |
2019 |
120th anniversary. Toichi Takenaka appointed as Honorary Chairman of the Board, Masahiro Miyashita appointed as Chairman of the Board and Masato Sasaki appointed as president. Establishment of Osaka Yumeshima Development Department. Activities through “Chochikukyo” receives the Grand Mécénat Award. Our development project "Sanso Kyoyamato" and "Park Hyatt Kyoto" opened. |
2020 |
Completion of FLATS WOODS KIBA, which has more floors than any other wooden building in Japan. Establishment of the Smart Community Department and Construction Supervision Department. Start of Umekita 2nd Project. Start of Kinomachi Project with the goal of communities and forests working together. |
2021 |
Revision of long-term targets for CO2 reduction, aimed at realization of carbon neutrality by 2050. Start of operations for the Hori Building, a registered cultural property, as shared office. Start of renovation projects for an old-style Japanese house in Shioriji City, Nagano Prefecture and Ishikura in Ogawa-cho, Hiki-gun, Saitama Prefecture. Start of operations for the Takenaka Okuhida Geothermal Power Plant. Establishment of a consortium related to technology collaboration in the fields of construction robots and IoT. |
2022 |
Takenaka Central Building South opened, an existing office building renovated into a growing smart building. Uchiko Ryuo Biomass Power Plant began operation. "Agreement on the Promotion of Wood Use in Buildings" concluded with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. DT Precast Concrete Co., Ltd. established to manufacture PC products with Daikyo Kensetsu Co., Ltd. |
2023 |
Takenaka Group's CO2 emissions long-term reduction target set Active use of green electricity at all work sites to achieve long-term CO2 reduction targets Excellence in Construction Human Resources Development Award received from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism SHIRABENOMORI SHI-RA-BE certified as a Natural Symbiosis Site by the Ministry of the Environment |
2024 |
The Takenaka Group's long-term CO2 reduction targets for 2030 receive SBT certification GRAND GREEN OSAKA (Umekita 2nd Project) advance opening Construction begins on the largest and tallest timber rental office building in Japan |