Dialog toward the realization of a sustainable society

Dialog with Stakeholders

In order to realize our CSR vision, "Dreams into reality for a sustainable future,” we have positioned our stakeholders as "the global environment," "local communities," "customers," and "colleagues we work with," including our employees and partner companies. Through repeated dialog with them, we will identify issues and then promote a cycle of examining and implementing actions plans.

  • 2022

    Activity review on respect for human rights

    December 16, 2022

    Based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, in September 2018, we established a Human Rights Policy in accordance with our Corporate Philosophy and Corporate Code of Conduct in order to promote efforts aimed at respect human rights in our business activities.
    Regarding human rights due diligence, in 2018 when we established our Human Rights Policy, we identified and evaluated risks, based on advice from experts and other factors, and then we addressed five specific risk issues. Every year, we invite experts to review what we have done and then reflect their feedback in the following year’s efforts.

    Continuing this in 2022, we invited Mr. Hidemi Tomita, Representative Director of the Institute for Sustainability Management, Inc. to review our activities. Mr. Tomita suggested that while there has generally been steady implementation in previous years, we need to clarify our future efforts in terms of what we are aiming for and then take measures to link this to our business targets. We also received some general comments, such as it would be good to disclose more information about our initiatives.
    In the area of long working hours, Mr. Tomita advised that even though total hours are trending downward as a whole, it is important that individuals do not reach an excessive state. Then, even though work sites hours have been steadily implemented as planned, he suggested that it would be good to verify the extent to which work site closures have contributed to reducing overtime work.
    In the aera of harassment, Mr. Tomita recommended that conducting workplace environment surveys would be an effective approach to understanding the overall picture and detailed information, and that it would be even better if we could grasp the effectiveness of ordinary measures.
    In the area of overseas procurement, we have gone a step forward from the previous interview survey by going to the actual location to check the status of respect for human rights of workers at a steel frame fabrication plant in South Korea. Along with the assessment of an expert that our initiatives have been steadily progressing, we were also told that further expansion of traceability is expected, and regarding foreign workers, it would be nice to be able to visualize the status of improvements through initiatives made over time.
    In addition to specific risk issues we are currently addressing, the risk assessment of overseas development projects was also judged to be an important step for our company.

    Dialog with an expert

    June 27, 2022

    On Monday, June 27, 2022, we welcomed Professor Takashi Nawa of Hitotsubashi University's Graduate School of Business to our office, and "expert dialog" was held between him and our director in charge and Corporate Strategic Planning Division.
    Last year was the final year of our 2020-2022 Action Plan for a Sustainable Society," so this year we are reviewing our existing Major Objectives (Materiality).
    Moving forward, the framework for the most recent three-year business plan and target setting will be revised; social and environmental issues will be reassessed from mid- and long-term perspectives; new group and global perspectives will be incorporated; and the number of participating departments within the company will be expanded from 10 to 17.
    In his assessment, Dr. Nawa said, "I think the phrase 'stimulating the senses' is a good expression of Takenaka's individuality," and "It is good that respect for human rights has been newly added this time by accurately grasping trends in the social environment." He also pointed out, "Wouldn't it be better to focus more on the digital field where Takenaka has advanced initiatives ongoing?" and "Focusing on human capital will be important in the future." He then expressed his hope, "I would like for Takenaka to continue to be a leading company while making the most of its individuality.
    Taking advantage of the valuable advice we received through this dialog, we will continue to review the Takenaka Group's Major Objectives (Materiality) with the aim of resolving social issues and achieving sustainable growth for our group while having an awareness of the traditions we have cultivated up to now and the special qualities of our corporate culture.

    Dialog with our director in charge and Corporate Strategic Planning Division

    Dialog with our director in charge and Corporate Strategic Planning Division

    Dialog with our director in charge and Corporate Strategic Planning Division

    Dialog with an expert

    April 13, 2022

    On Wednesday, April 13, 2022, we welcomed Mr. Hiro Motoki, President of E-Square Inc. to our office, and “expert dialog” was held between him, and our director in charge and Corporate Strategic Planning Division. Mr. Motoki had also advised us on our first materiality study in 2019, and in this expert dialog, he introduced his latest materiality awareness and provided us with the following information:
    1. Responding to climate change is now ranked at the top of the corporate risk list.
    2. Listed companies are being strongly called on by investors to address this risk and disclose information.
    3. Setting of CO2 emission reduction targets and validating processes are among the most important issues on which each industry’s survival depends.
    4. After "climate change," topics such as "biodiversity" and "human rights" are social trends that are becoming essential items for future information disclosure.

    The Takenaka Group has set targets for CO2 reduction and is working to obtain SBT certification. This process has been a good opportunity to further strengthen our awareness. By making the most of this valuable advice to accurately grasp social trends and further accelerate our efforts to resolve social issues, we will continue to grow with the aim of becoming a corporate group of choice for society.

    Dialog with our director in charge and Corporate Strategic Planning Division

    Dialog with our director in charge and Corporate Strategic Planning Division

    Dialog with our director in charge and Corporate Strategic Planning Division
