Participation in the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum

March 31, 2023
Takenaka Corporation

Takenaka Corporation (President: Masato Sasaki) has joined the TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure) Forum, a stakeholder organization that supports building of an information disclosure framework in support of the TNFD philosophy.

TNFD is a follow-up to the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), an international initiative established in 2021, to build a framework for disclosure of corporate risks and opportunities related to natural capital and biodiversity.
In line with the 2015 Paris Agreement, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, which was stipulated at the 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity in 2022, and SDGs, TNFD also aims to bring resilience to the global economy by shifting the flow of funds to nature positive initiatives that will restore nature, thereby enabling nature and people to thrive.

As we promote sustainable urban development based on harmony with the environment, we established our environmental policy in 2009, and from 2020, we have designated biodiversity as a Major Objective (Materiality).
Since 2017, we have been promoting the Seiwadai Forest Creation initiative as an activity aimed at biodiversity conservation. This effort aims to nurture forests, people, and technology through the restoration of forests and green areas on the premises of our training center, which covers an area of approximately eight hectares in the hills of Seiwadai, Kawanishi City, Hyogo Prefecture, and it will lead to resolving social issues toward the realization of a sustainable society.
In addition, we have established "SHI-RA-BE forest," a research and development field for green infrastructure and biodiversity conservation that provides multipurpose solutions to the issues faced by our customers and society, within the Takenaka Research & Development Institute in Inzai City, Chiba Prefecture.
We will continue to pursue various initiatives to disclose information to our stakeholders and enhance our corporate value in accordance with the TNFD Forum's information disclosure framework.