Development of GISTA, a system for evaluating workspaces using biometric and location data:~ Supports the improvement of worker productivity through proposals tailored to the workplace environment and working styles ~

August 6, 2024

Takenaka Corporation (President: Masato Sasaki) has developed GISTA, a system that measures users' biometric data (heart rate data) and location data within buildings to evaluates office spaces. The system also supports the improvement of individual productivity by providing feedback to users. GISTA, the office space assessment solution, will contribute significantly to enhancing the productivity of individuals and organizations.

GISTA instructional video

GISTA measures biometric data (heart rate data) and location data by having office workers wear a wristband heart rate monitor and linking it to their smartphones. Biometric indicators such as concentration and stress levels are then calculated*1 from the heart rate data transmitted to the server and linked to location data, allowing users to visualize and analyze data for the entire office*2. In addition, by using the GISTA app, which visualizes the results of analysis for each individual, users can receive feedback on their smartphones linked to the GISTA app, which helps them to understand their own condition and modify their behavior (personal biometric and location data is not disclosed to others and does not identify the individual). By measuring, analyzing and evaluating the actual office space data obtained from GISTA, we will propose new office construction and renovation projects that will lead to further productivity improvements.

  • *1 It is calculated in cooperation with WIN Frontier Corporation, using the company's proprietary logic.
  • *2Visualization and analysis on GIS platforms provided by Esri.
GISTA system diagram
GISTA system diagram

As maximizing human capital becomes one of the key issues for our customers due to the decline in the working-age population, we will use GISTA to support customers in improving their productivity in the future.

Features of GISTA

Quantitative analysis

With GISTA, it is possible to assess productivity quantitatively based on evidence, whereas previously, this had only been possible through qualitative surveys, for example, through questionnaires.

Workspace assessment

The system enables the evaluation of office space by linking and analyzing biometric indicators such as concentration and stress levels with location information. By comparing concentration levels across different workspaces, the analysis results can be reflected in new office construction and renovation plans aimed at improving productivity.

Concentration pattern in different workspaces
Concentration pattern in different workspaces

Feedback to users

The system enables the evaluation of office space by linking and analyzing biometric indicators such as concentration and stress levels with location information. By comparing concentration levels across different workspaces, the analysis results can be reflected in new office construction and renovation plans aimed at improving productivity.

GISTA app interface
GISTA app interface