Experiment buildings and facilities

CG images of the experiment facilities can be viewed in a 360° viewer. Click on each facility and move the mouse to see the entire facility.

Audiovisual lab for emulating concert hall sounds

Using a computer, the sound travel in a concert or theater hall can be predicted by numerically analyzing the time histories of the direction and amplitude of the direct and reflected sounds from the performers to the audience, and the difference in sound depending on shape and materials of the room can be confirmed using 3D acoustic reproduction technology.

Bioclean room with the world's leading containment performance

The room pressure can be controlled to suit the purpose, and the system can be used by those considering installing equipment to play around with construction configurations.

Fire resistance experiment building with the world's leading loading capacity

One of the world's largest multipurpose refractory furnaces with a loading capacity of 30MN is available for fire resistance experiments on columns, beams, and floors. There is also a 10MN unit in the south laboratory building, which was newly built in 2009 to accommodate the increasing height of the building.

Structural testing equipment to evaluate component strength

In order to build a building that is resistant to earthquakes, we are investigating the strength of the members and how they will break upon failure. The 2000-ton static loader is a device that can apply a load of up to 2000 tons of compression and 1000 tons of tension to the specimen.

Anechoic chamber for evaluating electromagnetic wave shielding

This is a laboratory that prevents the intrusion of electromagnetic waves from outside the room through electromagnetic shielding. Electromagnetic wave reflections from inside the room are prevented by electromagnetic wave absorbers. The shielding performance of electromagnetic shielding doors and wall materials as well as wave absorbers can be verified here.

Centrifuge model laboratory for evaluating building ground support

By rotating at high speeds, centrifugal force is applied to a test body (model of the ground or structure), and its behavior can be examined. Although a model experiment, it can replicate behavior of the ground close to the real thing. These experiments aid in the development of foundations that can withstand underground pressure, as well as technologies for improving soft ground.

Wind tunnel laboratory for building a wind-resistant city

A laboratory for evaluating building wind and wind noise. The disk-shaped model is used for dome construction. It is placed on a turntable in a wind tunnel and subjected to wind at different angles to study the movement of the wind around the building and the wind load on the building after construction.

Green experimental space for harmony between nature and buildings

Wall greening attempts to mitigate the heat island effect through plants’ transpiration effects and creates a visually friendly landscape. Planting flowering trees gives a sense of scale and looks good on large buildings. Greening also contributes to a sense of seasonality throughout the year.

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