Industry-academia collaborative research on space living technology

Participation in Tokyo University of Science’s Space Colony Research Center

We took part in the preparatory phase of establishing Tokyo University of Science’s Space Colony Research Center, and we have been working on research and development of the technologies required for long-term stays in space after 2030 with a particular focus on food, clothing and shelter. We are leveraging these technologies for application to facilities for long-term stays in space in the near future, such as for living on the Moon or on Mars.

Can you imagine living comfortably in space?

Miyazaki Takashi

Chief Researcher, Space Frontier Group, Future Space Department

I first joined the company to work on the research and development of robots. At that time, the word “space” did not cross my mind at all, but I then became a member of a lateral space research group and studied abroad at the International Space University and developed an interest in space.

Currently, I am working on the research of comfortable space habitats, as well as such research and development at the Space Colony Research Center with specially appointed Vice President Chiaki Mukai (Center Director) and its other members.