Environmental Initiatives
Under the Management Philosophy “Contribute to society by leaving the best works to future generations,” Takenaka aspires to realize a sustainable society through architecture and urban creation that meets the needs of the times and society.
In 1971, we began our environmental efforts by putting the motto “Green in design” on our design drawings. We later established a Global Environmental Charter in 1992 and an Environmental Policy* in 2009, and we have been promoting environmental initiatives in architectural design and construction at our own offices. In 2010, we established an Environmental Message, “Bringing people and nature into harmony” and an Environmental Concept, “Enhance human sensitivity and creativity, make the best use of nature, and realize our goal of transitioning from net-zero energy buildings to carbon neutral cities.” We have also published an Environmental Concept Book that describes the above initiatives and our ideal future.
In response to increasing efforts by the international community to protect the global environment, such as the 2015 Paris Agreement and creation of SDGs, we set a long-term CO2 reduction target for our company in 2019, which was further reviewed in 2021. We have also declared that we will achieve zero emissions in real terms by 2050, and in particular, we have set forth a specific path for CO₂ reduction by 2030.
In 2023, the Takenaka Group established long-term CO₂ reduction targets. Meanwhile, the second half of our Environmental Concept was revised, “aspire to realize carbon-neutral cities by developing life-cycle CO₂-zero buildings.” This was done to indicate our broad-based environmental efforts toward realizing “a society where people can live in health, comfort and prosperity,” “a decarbonized society,” “a resource recycling society,” “a society in harmony with nature,” and the sustainable society that we aspire to, as well as express our commitment to the global environment.

Environmental Message/Environmental Concept

4 perspectives and 16 indicators