TCFD recommendation information disclosure

Impact on our business related to climate change (information disclosure in line with TCFD recommendations)

In 2020, Takenaka Corporation began considering the business impact of climate change (analysis of risks and opportunities, reflection in strategy). In January 2021, we endorsed the TCFD recommendations and are proceeding with the disclosure of related information.


The CSR Promotion Central Committee, chaired by the executive vice president who is responsible for CSR, and the Global Environment Specialist Committee under the CSR Committee (the secretariat for both of which is the Corporate Sustainability Department in the Corporate Strategic Planning Division), deliberate on matters related to climate change. The results of committee deliberations are reported to the president, and important decisions are made by the board of directors.

Corporate Governance Organization


The CSR Promotion Central Committee, chaired by the executive vice president who is responsible for CSR, and the Global Environment Specialist Committee under the CSR Committee (the secretariat for both of which is the Corporate Sustainability Department in the Corporate Strategic Planning Division), deliberate on matters related to climate change. The results of committee deliberations are reported to the president, and important decisions are made by the board of directors.

Main risks and opportunities identified Impact level Responding to risks and opportunities
Risks Cost increase risk due to stricter regulations under the Building Energy Conservation Act
(Regulatory risk)
・Developing energy-saving technology and procuring environmentally friendly items to restrain cost increases
・Building finance schemes to obtain ESG investment from customers.
・Building consensus on appropriate cost sharing among customers through simulation technology using BIM
Risk of decreased productivity due to heatstroke among site workers
(Chronic physical risk)
・Preventing heatstroke by predicting measures against it beforehand and developing prevention devices
Risk of increased warrantee construction costs due to abnormal weather events during construction
(Acute physical risk)
・Building consensus on appropriate cost sharing by making construction sites more resilient and providing careful explanations to customers
Risk of decreased competitiveness due to increased need for decarbonization during construction
(Market risk)
・Formulation of CO2 reduction menu during construction
・Development of CO2 emissions measurement/aggregation system
Opportunities Expanding opportunities for orders of ZEBs and energy management systems ・Technological development necessary for advancement of ZEBs and energy management systems
Creation of order opportunities through the development of medium- and high-rise wooden structures and buildings ・Investment in technological development necessary for the spread and expansion of medium- and high-rise wooden structures and buildings
Expanding opportunities to receive orders through technological development that anticipates building environmental performance needs ・Development of related technologies, such as ZEB design tools, wooden construction technologies, and ECM concrete (low carbon concrete)
  • Impact levels are defined based on the amount of expected financial impact

In response to risks and opportunities, we have established a budget to develop technology, such as CO2 reduction, specifically for responding to climate change.

Risk management

Regarding our Major Objectives related to the environment and climate change, the status of initiatives is regularly monitored by the CSR Promotion Central Committee, and the Global Environment Specialist Committee as well as the companywide cross-sectional working group under it. (The secretariat is the Corporate Sustainability Department of the Corporate Strategic Planning Division.) Necessary course corrections are being made, and particularly important policy changes are decided by the board of directors.

Metrics and targets

In December 2019, we set a long-term CO2 reduction target, and in March 2021 we raised the target value, aiming for a 100 percent reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050. Then in December 2022, this target was expanded to cover the entire Takenaka Group (consolidated). In January 2023, we committed to obtaining SBT certification for the Takenaka Group's long-term CO2 reduction target for 2030, and we obtained SBT certification in November.

Takenaka Group long-term CO2 reduction target (set in December 2022)

Scope 1+2: 46.2% reduction by 2030, 100% reduction by 2050

Scope 3: 27.5% reduction by 2030, 100% reduction by 2050

(Base year: 2019)