
In order to put sensible corporate activities into practice, we will not only comply with laws and regulations, but also follow internal policies and rules, such are our Corporate Code of Conduct, to eradicate bribery, abuse of authority, embezzlement, and other corrupt practices such as obstruction of justice and money laundering. With regard to antibribery measures in particular, we have established a Corporate Code of Conduct to ensure that there is no bribery of public servants or others for the purpose of acquiring unfair advantage or other benefits, and in the area of preventing of anticompetitive behavior, we are taking thorough measures to ensure compliance with antitrust, and other laws and regulations, prohibit acts that obstruct bids, and prevent abuse of superior bargaining position.

Ⅰ. Corporate Code of Conduct

In 2004, we established our Corporate Code of Ethics in order to realize our Corporate Philosophy. Afterwards, in order to respond to major changes in the socio-economic environment, such as globalization of business activities and diversification of stakeholders, it was revised in 2012 as our Corporate Code of Conduct with specific items being added based on our Company Policy with our Management Philosophy as our social mission. Since then, the international community has been calling on companies to address global issues even more strongly, and the importance of companies fulfilling their social responsibility, such as respecting human rights, taking environmental measures, and ensuring tax transparency, has continued to grow. Under these circumstances, we have partially revised our Corporate Code of Conduct in order to promote corporate activities that more closely share values with society. Each and every one of our executives and employees will fulfill our social responsibility by putting this Code of Conduct into practice, and thereby contribute to the building of a sustainable society.

Ⅱ. Takenaka Corporation's CSR and Compliance Promotion System

Takenaka Corporation has built a promotion system by setting up committees at the Head Office and at main and branch offices, and assigning a person in charge of promotion.
We have also set up a consultation and reporting desk, and we use the response and analysis of the various incidents received to prevent recurrence, educate and raise awareness, thereby turning the PDCA cycle.

Compliance Promotion System

Ⅲ. Consultation and reporting system for Takenaka Corporation, group companies, and suppliers

We have established a reporting system that allows executives and employees of the company, group companies, and partner companies, as well as workers and retirees of these companies, to consult with and report to us if they discover any violations of laws or regulations, fraudulent acts, or other compliance violations, or if they have reason to believe that such violations are being carried out.

The consultation and reporting system related to compliance includes:
(1) ComplianceNet, Compliance Helpline and Takenaka Group Helpline are for Takenaka Corporation and group companies.
(2) PartnersNet has been set up for partner companies and individual business operators who do business with Takenaka.
In each case, the information is gathered by the Audit Office and investigated together with the person in charge of CSR and compliance Promotion, and the CSR and compliance leader, and then promptly dealt with. Aside from this, various inquiries from external stakeholders not related to compliance are accepted through "Contact Us" on the external website.

In 2009, we set up an external reporting window (PartnersNet) to prevent fraudulent accounting, harassment, and other misconduct by our company's personnel.

Whistleblowers will not experience any repercussions, and their information will be treated in a confidential manner by the contact person with care taken to ensure that they are not identified.

Ⅳ. Thorough compliance

In order to ensure and promote compliance, a Compliance Subcommittee has been established under the Corporate Ethics Central Committee. In addition to identifying important risks, establishing action policies and checking progress, this subcommittee checks the response status of individual cases and give instructions on improvements. Committees at branches then deploy these policies and measures, and a facilitator is assigned at each business location.

As part of our anticorruption efforts, our Code of Conduct clearly stipulates fair transactions, the maintenance of transparent relationships with political and government entities, and the prohibition of bribery to obtain unfair advantage or other benefits. In addition, the Takenaka Group established a Tax Policy in 2020 to fulfill its social responsibility and public mission of paying appropriate taxes in accordance with the laws and regulations of each country and locality.

In the area of education and raising awareness, we post a top messages annually during groupwide campaign months; conduct e-learning for all employees on the Corporate Code of Conduct; hold workplace meetings focused on important issues of preventing misconduct; implement hierarchy-based training, which includes updated laws; and publish news covering the latest trends.

Please see the following for information on continuing awareness-raising activities.

Ⅴ. Takenaka Group CSR and Compliance Month

Since 2009, Takenaka Corporation has designated November of each year as Compliance Month when we conduct companywide promotional efforts in the area of compliance. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has also designated November as the Month to Promote Proper Business Transactions in the Construction Industry, and there is a period of activities linked to the month. In 2014, we expanded these activities to CSR, including compliance, and to each group company after establishing the Takenaka Group CSR Vision, "We, the Takenaka Group, will enhance dialog with stakeholders, turn those dreams into reality through urban creation, and connect a sustainable society to the future." The name was also revised to Takenaka Group CSR and Compliance Month, and these efforts are ongoing.

Examples of implementation in 2023

Programs common to the Takenaka Group
  1. Communicating group messages
    1. Message from Takenaka Corporation President to all group company employees
  2. Holding CSR executive seminars
    1. Inviting outside experts to give lectures on CSR-related topics to executives of group companies
  3. Implementation e-learning
  4. Promoting awareness of Takenaka Group CSR and Compliance Month
    1. Displaying Compliance Month posters
    2. Posting a notice of Compliance Month at the top of each department's web page with a link to Compliance News vol. 125.
Takenaka Corporation original programs
  1. Holding CSR and compliance meetings
  2. Implementing programs during the Construction Industry Fairness in Transactions Promotion Month
    1. We voluntarily carry out activities in line with programs implemented by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
    2. We promote compliance with laws centered on the Construction Business Act related to partner companies and initiatives related to fairness in transactions.
2023 seminar for CSR executives
2023 awareness-raising poster

Ⅵ. Sharing compliance information

■ Publishing Compliance News

Since 2009, we have published news on events that are occurring in society about four times a year with focus on compliance-related topics in order to deepen compliance awareness and improve basic knowledge of employees.

CSR Compliance News

■ Publishing a compliance magazine

Twice a month, we distribute a compliance magazine with easy-to-understands explanations on our internal website. A variety of compliance-related cases, regardless of industry, are included along with illustrations and quizzes, and it is utilized to raise awareness of compliance on a daily basis.

Compliance magazine

Ⅶ. Human rights initiatives

The Human Resources Division reported on improvement of the attendance management system and thorough controls in order to comply with the "Overtime Limit Regulations," which will apply to the construction industry from April 2024, as well as efforts to spread understanding of the contents of the regulations. Then the Construction Division reported on the deployment status of effective efforts to improve business efficiency in response to these issues, overtime work hours, work site closure days and other measures. Next, the Human Resources Division reported on the results of educational and awareness-raising activities, including training and e-learning programs for all levels of employees to prevent harassment. Then the Procurement Division reported on the status of surveys of factory labor at global suppliers, which continued from last year, visiting both primary and secondary companies, as well as directly visiting subcontractors in Japan that employ foreign workers, and also surveys of subcontractors at each main office and branch. All of these efforts have become regular activities in our current business.

External advisors gave us the following advice for the report

  1. Although Takenaka Corporation itself has been working hard on the issues that have been identified, the biggest problem is that these are not being addressed by the group as a whole. Since direct dialog has its limitations for expanding this to the entire group, it is necessary to consider mechanisms that can respond broadly, such as "utilizing questionnaires" or "having subcontractors make commitments when signing contracts."
  2. The cycle of “commitment,” “due diligence,” and “corrections” should be repeated annually.
  3. The results of the due diligence should be fed back to the rights holders to listen to their opinions.

We will continue to make further improvements based on this guidance and advice.

Risk identification and assessment
Risk identification and assessment
Review of activities and advice from external advisors
Review of activities and advice from external advisors

The Takenaka Group publishes CSR & Compliance News five times a year for all employees of the Takenaka Group. VOL.129 (published on October 23, 2024) introduced the role of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Promotion Department, which was newly established in July, as well as “psychological safety,” which was the theme of the group discussion during CSR and Compliance Month with the aim of raising awareness of human rights.

CSR Compliance News
CSR Compliance News