Initiatives for human rights
Human Rights Policy
In 2018, Takenaka Corporation established its Human Rights Policy based on the United Nations Guiding Principle on Business and Human Rights. In accordance with our Corporate Philosophy and Corporate Code of Conduct (Article 4 stipulation), we are promoting initiatives in our business activities aimed at respect for human rights, and we are working to prevent and reduce human rights risks that have been identified and assessed. We are also receiving annual evaluations from experts to make improvements. Our Human Rights Policy, which is publicly available on the company website, expresses our basic approach and action guidelines.
Takenaka Corporation’s human rights promotion system
We have built a system to promote human rights by setting up committees at the Head Office and main and branch offices as well as assigning a person in charge of promotion. We have also prepared a consultation and reporting desk, and responses and analyses of various cases received are utilized for prevention recurrence, and training and awareness raising, thereby turning the PDCA cycle.

A reporting system has been set up to enable people to consult and report any human rights violations to the company as well as if there is any reason to believe that such actions are being carried out. This system can be used by any executive or employee of our company, group company, or partner company, or anyone so employed as well as former employees.
The following consultation and reporting systems related to human rights have been set up:
1) ComplianceNet, Compliance Helpline, and Takenaka Group Helpline for Takenaka Corporation and group companies;
2) PartnersNet for partner companies, individual workers, and independent business operators who do business with Takenaka Corporation
In all cases, the information is gathered by the Audit Office and investigated together with the CSR and compliance promotion manager and the CSR and compliance leader. Then the matter is promptly dealt with.
Since 2009, we have had an external reporting desk (PartnersNet) in place in an effort to prevent human rights violations by our personnel. We will not treat whistleblowers in any disadvantageous manner, and their information will be handled confidentially by our staff with care taken so that people making such reports are not identified.
Human rights initiatives
Our human rights initiatives are described below.
Human rights review
We regularly invite outside experts to review our human rights activities.
In-house training initiatives
We provide in-house training to deepen understanding of our basic stance and action guidelines that are contained in our Human Rights Policy.
Initiatives at construction sites and supply chains
In order for our Human Rights Policy to become a reality, we focus on human rights risks at construction sites and in the supply chain, and we work together with suppliers to carry out the following activities for respecting human rights.
- ・Human rights due diligence
- ・Confirmation of respect for human rights of foreign workers employed at partner companies
- ・Declaration of Partnership Building
- ・Declaration of Respect for Labor Cost Estimates